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Adorable Bathing Pictures Of Animals

1. Deciding whether to bath or not can be a tough task


2. This dog who is so lostCute-Animals-Taking-Bath-03

3. But some find bubbles yummy

Poodle Bath Time

4. And it is best if you have someone to rub your back

DRONFIELD, UNITED KINGDOM - JULY 14: (EXCLUSIVE) Dog Poppy and meerkat Timon in the bath at their home on July 14, 2011 in Dronfield, England. This meerkat and dog have been inseparable ever since four-year-old Timon was sent packing by his meerkat mob. The friendly animal found comfort in the arms of owner John Bent's dog, Poppy, and the unlikely pair have formed a mob of their own - which includes John, his wife, Sally, and their two children. You wouldn't expect a meerkat to be friends with a dog, explained hospice service manager Sally. They tend to stick very much to their own kind. The couple, from Dronfield in Derbyshire, has a collection of exotic critters, which started with a pair of skunks three years ago. Since then their menagerie has grown to include meerkats, raccoons, coatis and kinkajous. However, it is the relationship between six-year-old Chihuahua-Maltese Terrier cross Poppy and Timon, which is most surprising. The are inseparable, said John, who owns a surface coating company. Timon came into the house and instantly struck up a relationship with Poppy, who is just about as small a dog as you can get. Now they do everything together. They go for walks together and play together until they fall asleep on the sofa together. (Photo by Nick Obank / Barcroft Media / Getty Images)

5. And bath toys are everyone’s favorite


6. A tub where you can relax can accentuate the experienceCute-Animals-Taking-Bath-04

7. Taking a short nap while sleeping can also be a great ideaCute-Animals-Taking-Bath-17

8. Or just lying and relaxing..Cute-Animals-Taking-Bath-13

9. Bubbly bath is one of hot favorites9n5ou

10. A quick bath can be refreshing in summers431de5e88b93a9f9a7c26c699f2d08b5 (1)

11. But sometimes you wish to run away


12. Bathing too can be fun with group


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